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KuCoin Hack
KuCoin Hack – When attacked, some crypto projects and exchanges buckle and fold under pressure; KuCoin, set the standard in 2020 for how to react to crypto hacks, even on the largest scale. KuCoin is a Singapore-based crypto exchange that consistently ranks among the top 5 exchanges in terms of daily volume serving the crypto...
MtGox Hack
The full story behind the first major crypto hack – MtGox Hack – and how much really was lost. MtGox was one of the very first platforms on which people could buy, sell, and trade bitcoin. Launched in July 2010, by 2014 the Tokyo-based company was handling over 70% of all BTC transactions globally. It...
BitGrail Hack
BitGrail Hack – Around $170M worth of cryptocurrency was allegedly stolen from an obscure Italian crypto exchange called BitGrail in 2018; it’s still unclear exactly how or by whom. Just weeks after Japanese crypto exchange Coincheck was hacked – an event dubbed “the biggest theft in the history of the world” at the time –...
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